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ליווי ויעוץ בניה ירוקה
יועצים טרמיים למבנים
לפי תקן בניה ירוקה ישראלי 5281\5282
אבן גבירול 26 תל אביב | 03-5522295 |
House Salingre, Saint Ellena, West coast, South Africa
Built Area: 150 sqm Location: Saint Ellena, West coast South Africa Status: Completed 2009
Project in the west coast of south Africa. Ecological house using only local stone, timber and sand bag technology.
The house exemplifies the use of local materials and passive air movement throughout the house using excellent thermal insulation from the sand bag wall. All the house is plastered with Hydrolic lime stone and sand.
The house was built by the architect himself for the duration of 4 months.
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